Lead Free SAC305 Solder Paste WS488 Water Soluble 88% 250g Jar

SKU: SAC305WS488J250

AIM WS488 Solder Paste has been developed in response to electronics manufacturers demanding an all-purpose, reliably consistent water-soluble solder paste. WS488 offers extended stencil life and tack time, robust environmental tolerance and printing characteristics, excellent activity, a broad cleaning process window, and compatibility with both tin-lead and lead-free solder alloys.


WS488 can be used in fine pitch printing applications, and has proven effective in the assembly of 0201 components. It provides consistent printing characteristics and slump resistance during high-speed printing, while the excellent activity of WS488 makes it a suitable choice when soldering to standard to difficult-to-wet parts, including lead-free alloys and finishes. In addition, WS488 has proven to substantially reduce voiding under micro-BGAs, and is designed to avoid foaming during washing, even in high-pressure wash systems.


Residues may be cleaned easily in straight water, with the result being exceptional electrical reliability.


Lead Free SAC305 Solder Paste Water Soluble 250g Jar


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AIM WS488 Solder Paste has been developed in response to electronics manufacturers demanding an all-purpose, reliably consistent water-soluble solder paste. WS488 offers extended stencil life and tack time, robust environmental tolerance and printing characteristics, excellent activity, a broad cleaning process window, and compatibility with both tin-lead and lead-free solder alloys.


WS488can be used in fine pitch printing applications, and has proven effective in the assembly of 0201 components. It provides consistent printing characteristics and slump resistance during high-speed printing, while the excellent activity of WS488 makes it a suitable choice when soldering to standard to difficult-to-wet parts, including lead-free alloys and finishes. In addition, WS488 has proven to substantially reduce voiding under micro-BGAs, and is designed to avoid foaming during washing, even in high-pressure wash systems.


Residues may be cleaned easily in straight water, with the result being exceptional electrical reliability.


Lead Free SAC305 Solder Paste Water Soluble 250g Jar

Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 8 × 7 × 7 cm

Product Documents

Safety Data Sheet


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